Chemin du Signal 15
1296 Coppet

SME Company Management

Our experience as IT consultants for numerous companies in a variety of activities, e.g. production, distribution, wholesale, retail, led us to create a software solution perfectly adapted to the daily needs of any type of company that falls under the category SME (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises).
Our integrated solution “Affaires” covers the entire business management lifecycle from suppliers through production to end customer.
“Affaires” can be easily integrated with any accounting software.

Client-Server Management of the Whole Operational Lifecycle

  • Offers
  • Customer Orders
  • Supplier Orders
  • Supplier Deliveries - Partial and Sorted
  • Customer Deliveries - Partial and Sorted
  • Customer Invoicing with Payment Slip Printing
  • Automatic and Manual Payments

Stock Control

  • Multiple Addresses (order, delivery, invoicing etc.)
  • Quantity on hand (delivery and receipt)
  • Reorder Level and Supplier Order Prompting
  • Update from Supplier Database (according to Supplier format)

Customer Management

  • Multiple Addresses (order, delivery, invoicing etc.)
  • Multilingual Correspondance
  • Versatile Mailing (labels, lists, MS-Word integration)
  • Account Statements
  • Special Conditions (discounts, payment terms etc.)

and also

  • Supplier Management
  • Cash Management
  • Versatile Statistics
  • Customer Order Remote Submission and Processing

IT Platform

Server : Microsoft SQL-Server, mySQL or PostgreSql
Client(s) : MS Access
Also available as an MS Access standalone version